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Browsing Oakland Community College by Subject "Academic achievement—Statistics"

Browsing Oakland Community College by Subject "Academic achievement—Statistics"

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  • Oakland Community College. Office of Institutional Research; Jim Warner (2016-10-20)
    This review of the literature on the subject of Predicting Student Success in College Nursing Programs was intended to see if there are compelling reasons to use pre-nursing GPA as a primary selection criterion for a ...
  • Oakland Community College. Office of Institutional Research (2016-10-20)
    The purpose of this evaluation was to examine the correlation between first semester grades of currently admitted nursing students and their scores on the Pre-Nursing Assessment Test offered by C-NET in order to determine ...
  • Oakland Community College. Office of Institutional Research (2016-10-19)
    This report analyses the course data from the Spring semester of 1999 through the Winter semester of 2002 to show the course retention rates of the Exercise Program.
  • Oakland Community College. Office of Institutional Research (2016-09-29)
    This is a preliminary report on course completions, incomplete and withdrawal statuses for Hospitality Courses in the Winter, Summer, and Fall semesters of 2000.
  • Oakland Community College. Office of Institutional Research (2016-10-28)
    This report charts the data on all Legal Assistant course completions and completions for individual classes.
  • Oakland Community College. Office of Institutional Research (2016-10-20)
    The purpose of this study was to assist Oakland Community College’s Math discipline with their students’ performance. This study explores the difference between students’ grades from math classes delivered once or twice a week.

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